Jamaicans Urged To Do Farming
When contemplating her career path as a youngster, Citerina Atkins did not have farming on her list of options, but three years into her journey as a member of the agricultural sector, she is now [more..]
When contemplating her career path as a youngster, Citerina Atkins did not have farming on her list of options, but three years into her journey as a member of the agricultural sector, she is now [more..]
KINGSTON, Jamaica— Tax Administration Jamaica (TAJ) says that taxpayers will be able to conduct business with the Tax Authority this Saturday, April 24. TAJ said the move comes as the agency tries to provide more [more..]
“Our investment climate is positive,” Bartlett, the tourism minister, said in his presentation to the Sectoral Debate in Parliament on Tuesday. The goal, he added, “to dramatically increase the number of hotel rooms is still [more..]
Further information on reopening will be provided in the coming days. Matters that were scheduled to be heard on today and tomorrow, including matters before the Circuit Court, will be adjourned and new dates assigned. [more..]
Back up some seven years ago to 2013 and you would have seen the following: “Desmond Gilmore said he is in the process of submitting a proposal to transform the now defunct Windsor Girls Home [more..]
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