Lime Hall

Lime Hall Road Underwent A Well Needed Upgrade

Local Government and Community Development Minister, Hon. Noel Arscott, officially opened   2.2 kilometres of upgraded roadway in Lime Hall, St. Ann, on February 11, which will benefit over 2,000 residents. The road, which was repaired [more..]


Official Opening – Alexandria Library

Residents in the Alexandria community have been without a library for over six (6) years, due to fire destroying the Library that originally served the community. The construction of the new library is the brainchild [more..]


Alexandria Gets New Branch Library

The community of Alexandria in St Ann now boasts a new branch library provided through the collaboration of the St Ann Parish Council, the Jamaica Library Service and the Government of Japan. Funding for the [more..]

Ocho Rios

Educators Among St Ann Chamber Honourees

St Ann educators Rupert Brown and Rose Gowie-McLean were honoured by the St Ann Chamber of Commerce at their annual 61st awards banquet at the Moon Palace Jamaica Grande. Brown received the Citizen Award, while [more..]


Sturridge Hosts Bucksfield Fun Day

LIVERPOOL striker Daniel Sturridge returns to host the third annual Charity Family Fun Day, Football Tournament and Reggae Concert at the Buckfields Playing Field in Ochi Rios, St Ann, today. “I want to invite everybody [more..]

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Browns Town

Uncovering Secrets In Brown’s Town

There was a peppery smell in the air and it seemed the rain that only moments earlier had subsided, made the scent even stronger. People were walking about with energy as photographer Norman Grindley and [more..]

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Arts & Crafts

That's A Wrap

If you watched last Sunday’s BET Awards, you would have seen International R&B singer, Alicia Keys rocking one on the red carpet – a head wrap!… Powered by WPeMatico